A Message From Focused Care's Founder

Mark McKenzie, CEO

Vote your conscience

Vote your financial security

Vote your profession


I’m going to get political in this message but not partisan. These days it may feel as though the two cannot be separated, but they should be.  Rarely does one political party or politician, for that matter, support everything we individually feel, think or want. We may be pressed into a particular identity in order to exercise our right to vote, but we are not limited to towing any party line – which affords us the luxury of voting on what makes the most sense to us.

That’s easier said than done. One candidate or elected official may espouse a viewpoint we whole heartedly agree with and another we are opposed to. We may completely align with an initiative backed by the party we are not registered as and reject a position by our own party.  That is the beautiful dynamic about elections and voting – outside of a primary for an elected official, we can discern for ourselves what we think is right based on our own values and convictions.

But none of this freedom to represent ourselves matters, unless we engage in the process.

We must vote.

As Americans, and just as importantly, Texans, we need to vote outside the four walls of our homes and advocate for the needs of our neighbors. As long term care professionals, we need to vote on behalf of our residents, team members and the health of our skilled nursing communities.

Our team members and management know firsthand all that has been experienced in the last two years, but depending on how long you’ve been in this profession, you know skilled nursing care has gone without adequate resources for decades – yes – decades. We work in a sector that is largely dependent on taxpayer funded health care insurance – Medicare and Medicaid.

Consider the findings of two recent national reports:

  • According to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 81% of adults polled think Medicare coverage for long term care should be expanded.
  • Majorities of Democrats and Republicans favor policies to help Americans prepare for the costs of providing and receiving long-term care.
  • Some of these policies have more support among those age 50 and older, but majorities of those age 18-49 are also in favor of them. These differences by age are seen among adults overall and within racial and ethnic groups.
  • According to another NORC report, middle-income seniors, those who are unlikely to qualify for Medicaid but do not have adequate resources to pay for the care options they need, will increase by 89% come 2033.
  • While researchers called for efforts to improve the affordability of long-term care for seniors of lower income, they acknowledged middle income seniors are joining the population unable to finance the care they will need in the future.

It is our responsibility to speak up and support policies and candidates that recognize this dire situation – that, by the way – doesn’t just impact our residents today, but those of us in the future – perhaps sooner than we would like to think.

I encourage us as a team dedicated to the compassionate care of those most vulnerable to reach out to our elected officials and the candidates running against them on long term care issues.  This one issue covers the gamut for you – your financial security and that of your family, your neighbors who may be impacted now by a lack of resources and if not, most certainly will in the near future, and the very people you care for today.

The last day to register to vote in the November election is Oct. 11. Early voting begins Oct. 24 and lasts until Nov. 4. Election Day is Nov. 8.


Read this for an update on the Texas state legislature, click here to determine how to contact your representative and state senator and here to find out when you can vote, for what and whom. If you have any questions on how to engage, please ask me.

Mark McKenzie

Founder and CEO