Holderread: Don’t leave behind our rural seniors

People who work in skilled nursing facilities do more than provide care to vulnerable seniors.

While the “caring” part of our job is primary, there are countless things we do that aren’t a part of the everyday patient-centered care plan tailored to each resident. Yet, they fall under the category of “caring.”

They aren’t coded specifically for Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement — they are a part of the mission we all sign on to when we work in skilled nursing care.

For example, we build relationships with the family members of our residents to ensure their trust in us and make certain they know the door to communication never closes. Providing comfort and instilling confidence that we are caring for their loved one as they would is as important to us as it is to our families. We remember and celebrate special holidays, partner with the community to engage in fun activities, initiate donation drives for others in need and honor the hard work and compassion of fellow team members.

We also are the voice for those who may feel theirs is lost or not heard. We are the advocates for our residents, family members, fellow care providers and the profession overall. Part of our job is to call for smart, logical public policy that supports our ability to continue our mission.

Read Full Article Here in the Longview News-Journal.

Rebecca Holderread is the Executive Director of Operations for Focused Care at Gilmer.