A Message From Focused Care's Founder

Mark McKenzie, CEO


Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
—Henry Ford

It’s what we help our residents do at Focused Care. The ironic thing about that is that helping to heal others, heals us at the same time. We could be sad, angry or disappointed when we start our day, but when we help someone feel better, more comfortable, more hopeful, we also feel better. That’s a reliable reaction from the human spirit.

Life is complicated and our personal experiences impact the way we perceive and process what goes on around us. Can we all see eye to eye about everything? I think we know given human nature – that is not likely.

Coming together to solve a problem though brings double the brain power, double the strength, and double the heart – to create that beginning. You are further along the path to a solution with four feet than with two.

Keeping together buoys the chances that while working out a problem – we move closer to a desired and manageable outcome – we make progress. We develop a history with each other. We get to know one another much better and consequently, begin to understand one another better – which doesn’t always mean we reach a point at which we completely agree. But rather, you find your own ability to have compassion and consideration for each other and maybe even a shared appreciation for your differences.

Working together with all that you’ve learned from joining and staying together can have a harmonizing effect on the experience that brings you closer to your goals of success. I would guess that all of us who find ourselves working with a team of others who are trying just as hard to reach and contribute to success – which in long term care is to ensure the safety and health of our residents – feel some of that success every day.

In the time of COVID, success is measured on many different levels. The intensity of this time has not dissipated and will likely only increase.

But despite that, Focused Care is continuing to come together to care for our residents and make their lives meaningful while they are with us.

We will keep together because we know we can move forward, enhance all care and safety efforts and keep doing better than we did the day before.

And we will always work together and share than common bond of helping to heal our residents, while we ourselves heal.

And we can all find something to be grateful for.

To Focused Care team members, residents and family members, let us experience the spirit of gratitude together.

And for all – please have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mark McKenzie