A Message From Focused Care's Founder

Mark McKenzie, CEO

August Founder’s Message: Chaos Amid the Constant

In what most of us might agree seems to be a turbulent time – just when we thought the pandemic was turbulent enough – it’s natural to want to hold on to what tethers us – keeps us upright.  Chaos seems to engulf so many parts of our lives – the news, our communities, our schools, our borders, our politics. I don’t know about you – but I think it’s unsettling to see, hear and experience all of this kinetic energy and most of it – negative. We may feel like retreating to our solitude – but I believe, in times such as these, we gain steady ground by putting ourselves on common ground with each other – and standing together.

What we all have in common at Focused Care is an unquestioned commitment to caring for our seniors. That is our privilege, that is our mission, that is our collective hard work that for most feels as though it never stops. Being the first smile your resident sees in the morning, bringing the first laugh of the day to a team member, pulling back the curtains and allowing for the first rays of morning sun to stream through – this is the stuff that reminds us of the joy and calm we bring to others and ourselves – while the chaos swirls around us.

You may not think of work as a refuge – but it is a constant.  While work can be physically and emotionally taxing, you are in the business of human interaction – and there is a lot to be said for that. Every single day you impact the life of someone – you make them smile, laugh, and feel safe. YOU are a positive force. That is no small daily accomplishment when so many forces are bearing down making us feel as though there is strife and uncertainty around every corner. You are the constant in the lives of your residents – that which tethers them and gives them confidence that the day will be all right because you are in it.

Last month I encouraged our Focused Care team members to stop and give yourself time to think and contemplate the silence. Now – I think we can break through the chaos by bringing some joy to others and proving to ourselves and those we care for that the constant we all have is compassion.


Mark McKenzie

Founder & CEO

Focused Post Acute Care Partners